Most days I put on all my make-up, not just lipstick, and care about what my hair looks like and what clothes I’m wearing.  Last Saturday was not one of those days.
I was driving over to clean my old house before the renters (pray for renters, please!) move in when I glanced up at the little plastic thingy in the upper left-hand corner of the windshield you get when you change your oil only to notice that, once again, I was waaaaay over due for an oil change.  Every time I make that visit and get a lecture from the oil changing dude about how important it is to change your oil in a timely manner, I promise myself I will be on time with the next one.  But alas.
So I decided to stop in and get ‘er done before I headed over to the house.  I decided this knowing I was dressed to clean and not to impress. 
In the waiting room I busied myself perusing the most recent RV magazine.  After a few minutes in walked a very cute, and may I say very again, cute guy.  I could have been his mother, or at least his mother’s younger sister, which would make me his aunt, so however you looked at it he was just wrong for me.  But still!  He was very cute.
At that moment I thought, “How silly, I’m looking at someone young enough to be my nephew and am upset that I’m in sweats, no make-up and my hair is in a greasy ponytail.”  Did it really matter?  Really?
We began to chat, and it wasn’t aunt and nephew type banter but actually a little flirty.  He laughed when I told him I bought my Jetta for the pretty dashboard lights; most men laugh at that actually.  He used to have a Jetta but now drives a Ford.  He doesn’t like it as well cuz it’s a gas guzzler.  He also had really nice eyes and a shaved head.  I like a nice shaved head.  I also like heads with hair.  I’m really not picky.
After 15 minutes of oil changing waiting room fun it was time for me to pay and leave.  He didn’t ask for my number or if he could friend me on facebook.  I didn’t expect him to but it was still a fun few minutes.
Women:  Are you the type that never leaves the house without makeup? 
Guys:  Are you the type that wants your wife/girlfriend to always too fabulous?