The group minus two.
It was the day after Friday the 13th, in the middle of a pandemic and during a snowstorm. Other than that, last Saturday morning 17 of us had a great time together discussing what God thinks of us.

Sweet friends.

Mom and daugther.
We ranged from college women in their early 20’s to women in their 60’s. Some never married. Others divorced or widowed. All there for one purpose. To find out for the first time, or remind themselves again, who they are in Jesus; who and what God made them to be.

The traits list we made taken from scripture.
We belong and are chosen, loved, graced-filled, created for a purpose, free, refined, more than conquerors, heirs, rescued, set apart, made new, saved, God’s dwelling place, protected, brave, light, wonderfully made and known before we were born, precious, honored, pressed but not crushed, persecuted but not abandoned, perplexed but not in despair, struck down but not destroyed, and we have a spirit of power, love and self-discipline. Among other things.

Discussion Circles.
It was inspiring and encouraging to see the different ages and stages of women sharing together. We are all important and have a role no matter our circumstances. When you’re young you may think you have nothing to contribute. Or if you’re older you may think your time has come and gone. That is not how God sees us. But if we don’t know Him it won’t matter what He thinks of us, has planned for us or who we are in Him. Because we won’t know. Until we spend time with God in His word we have no idea who we are to Him or for Him.

Working on our positive statements to keep us focused on how God sees us and helps us.
I hope you take the time to know Him. It is worth it.