TUESDAY TUNES: J.S. Bach Brandenburg Concerto No 2 in F Major

love music from the Baroque era, 1600-1750. Especially anything composed by Bach.  Good old Johann Sebastian.  He’s the Man!!!

have many memories of this particular concerto. 
My sisters and I made up dances to it when we were young.  I’m not sure why we even had a recording of it,
but we did.  It’s not that my family was
all that cultured. Lawrence Welk and Hee
Haw were about as fancy as we got.  Maybe
my piano teacher gave me the record, I don’t know.  Anyway, the little gray house on Fisk Street
in Pullman, Washington had its walls rattled as we pranced around.  It was a combination of moves from the 1600’s
with a little do-si-do square dance thrown in for fun.  I can still picture us dancing in our
pajamas.  We’d be all serious with, what
we thought were, the official dance moves from the era, and then giggle as we’d
swing our partner at the end of a phrase.

later while in college, my fellow music major friends and I would play it and take
turns directing the pretend ensembles in our dorm rooms.  Ah, music nerds.

find it interesting, and quite telling about me, that I love Baroque music so
much.  Dynamically, there are no
crescendos or swells.  It pretty much
goes from loud to soft quite instantly (mostly due to the abilities of the
instruments at the time).  Like with me,
I’m strolling along during my day just fine at a quiet(ish) level, when boom,
something happens and I either burst out with a huge laugh or voice and my volume
goes from pianissimo to forte just like that. 
No warning.  Just, “Here I am!”

once the piece begins, it rhythmically keeps driving to the end.  That’s me. 
It’s, “Let’s get ‘er done time folks.” 
That’s why Baroque music is my music of choice when cleaning the
house.  Boom, boom, sweep, dust, scrub
and look at that, we’re done! 

is not the piece you want to listen to when you’re tired and need a nap.  This is “go time” music.  So the next time you’ve fallen behind on a
project, need to organize your thoughts, or just wanna get your groove on, take
a listen to something Baroque. 
Preferably this piece by my man Bach.

My lovely friend
Tina and I try to attend the Oregon Bach Festival every year.  This year’s dates are June 26-July 13.  We even get a T-Shirt like true Bach groupies.
Question:  What is your favorite era of music?

TUESDAY TUNES: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0jpHtsSEQo  Hillsong Version

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWxb6VvPrkE Michael W. Smith Version

6:33 is a Life verse for me:  But seek
first HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all these things will be given to
you as well.

words of Jesus are from the Sermon on the Mount.  Leading up to this verse He is talking about
worry.  I’m a worrier.  Maybe that’s why I love this verse so
much.  When I daily seek Him first, He
tells me everything else will fall into place.
So don’t worry.


I know that to be true, and I trust Him, then why do I have stomach issues,
break out into rashes and get fever blisters all stemming from worry?  It’s that head knowledge-heart knowledge
stuff again.


Turn your eyes
upon Jesus

Look full in His
wonderful face

And the things
of earth will grow strangely dim

In the light of
His glory and grace

by step…one second at a time…start again…listen…trust…remember…pray…be
still…seek Him first…do it all again…


speaks to me through the “address” of this verse:


I get home from work and wonder what’s on tap for my evening and realize it’s 6:33, I think, “God wants me to spend some time with
Him.”  6:33 Seek HIM.


I’ve made a questionable choice and look at the clock and see that it’s 6:33, I
think, “Was that really the best way to handle that situation.”  6:33 Seek HIM


random times when I see the cost of something is $6.33 or an address is 633 or
my eye catches 633 in the middle of a set of numbers, I stop and remember His
promise.  6:33 Seek HIM


your eyes upon Jesus, seek His wonderful face, and He will provide.  And what you thought was best for you will
grow strangely dim because, in the light of His glory and grace, His plans are
always better than what our earthly minds could come think of.

Question:  Do you have things like my 633 where God catches your attention?